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NMLS Pre-licensing 20 Hr. Comprehensive PE

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Instructor led training is conducted in
our classroomin Sandy Springs, Georgia.
Includes all books, materials and NMLS Fees

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May 21-22-23rd

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Register early and guaranty your seating

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About Your Capstone Institute Training

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Upcoming Proposed
Training Dates In 2021

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May 21-23rd

8:15 AM to 5 PM on Friday
9 AM to 4:30 PM on Sat
9 AM to 4:30 Pm on Sun

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Upcoming Dates After May 21st

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We Try To Schedule Our Training
Every Two To Three Weeks.

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June 11-13:

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June 25-27:

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July 16-18:

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Aug 6-8:

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Aug 27-29:

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Sept 17-19:

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Oct 8-10:

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Oct 29-31:

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Recent Student Feedback

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“Thanks so much to Garry for encouraging me, and Don for teaching the Feb 9th class I wanted to let you know I passed the exam Feb 22nd with a 92% first time. You guys are great, and I DID study a lot!”

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“Hey Mr. Powell! I attended your class last week and I took my exam today and passed with an 86%!
Thanks for all your help.”

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Live Class Times

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Doors open at 8:15 AM and students are required to be seated in the classroom by 8:30 AM

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Classes start at 9 AM.

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Our location in the Atlanta Realtors Association Facility in Sandy Springs, GA

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For Questions Call 888-254-3431

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How To Become A Mortgage Loan Originator

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About Capstone Institute of
Mortgage Finance Training

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We Are Dedicated

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Our NMLS pre-licensing training is totally dedicated to assisting you to do only one thing, and that’s for you to pass the national exam the first time. The quick and easy NMLS Pre-License Education training offered at Capstone is beneficial for many reasons!

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In a Classroom vs Online

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Learning in a classroom environment is vastly superior to learning online. Very few companies offer live classroom training because of the expense of maintaining the training facilities and they need to go after a larger group of people. The problem with online training is that it’s not as effective as a classroom. This a documented scholastic fact.

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Scotsman’s Guide

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Scotsman’s Guide is the mortgage industry’s bible of authority, and they reported years ago that the best way to prepare for the National Test & Unified State Test is not with online training but by sitting in a real classroom with your instructor and NMLS Education materials in front of you.

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If English is your second language or you dislike being rushed through
online training, please consider attending our classroom training in Atlanta.

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Read the Scotsman guide article

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The Best Ways to Prepare for The NMLS Test

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Open and read the truth from the Scotsman Guide
The Industry’s leading authority on Mortgage Lending

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Information on your NMLS Testing

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The NMLS national test of 100 questions is combined with the UST ( Unified State Test) of 25 questions. The required passing score for both parts is 75%. The testing is administered by Prometrics with testing locations throughout the US.

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About Our Classroom Training In Atlanta GA

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We normally only offer NMLS approved pre-licensing training once a month in Atlanta and our future training dates are listed below. We only allow students to register for the current training date. You’ll have access to the next class after our current class has concluded.

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Take Advantage of Our Classroom Training Style

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We recognize that NMLS 20 hour online training is very convenient but the advantages of that should be weighed out carefully before making a decision.

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Is it easier to ask your questions by raising your hand and have your instructor answer your questions on the spot or is it easier to formulate your question in your head; then type it into a chat box and then wait for the instructor to answer you?

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Not everyone passes their NMLS National test the first time.

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Some companies like to brag about their student’s passing ratios. Some even boast they have a 90% or higher passing ratio. Yes; they may have a 90% passing average on the required school test. No schools have a 90% or better first time student passing average on the NMLS National Test! The last time we saw any statistics from the NMLS was a statement that the national average passing rate was only about 68%. From our students reporting back to us and those students taking our refresher classes; we estimate our first time passing ratio varies between 79% and 85% .

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For our students who don’t pass their national test the first time, we offer
a free refresher course within 90 days after completing their initial class.

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There is a $175.00 fee if you wish to repeat the class after 90 days.

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Please call Garry or Kathy if there are extending circumstance which prevented you from taking advantage of your refresher within your 90 days.

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About Our Instructors

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All Capstone instructors have 25 or more years of industry experience and 5 or more years teaching this course.

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About Our Training Materials

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Our training manual, homework assignments, and supplements are the most comprehensive available today. The author of all our materials is Kathy Lewis; who has 38 years of experience in residential mortgage and training industry and has published over 112 publications. Kathy is also the founder and President of Capstone.

You saw above in the NMLS test topics how much information you’ll be expected to know before your test. Open our manual and see for yourself the amount of detail we cover to assist you in preparing for your national test.

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Getting Your Free NMLS Personal ID Number

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NMLS requires as a precondition of being licensed as a loan originator, that all individuals have their personal NMLS personal ID #.This is very important because without your ID # , we will not be able to give you credit for completing your training.


FYI: Reading your NMLS Loan Originator handbook is highly advisable.

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Our class size is limited to 30 students so register early.

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NMLS Typical Licensing Fees For Loan Originators In Most States.

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After training you’ll need to pay for the following items which are all paid directly through the NMLS Resource Center website. That’s why obtaining you ID # and login credentials are so important

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$110.00 National Test Including the Unified State Test
$130.00 NMLS processing fee
$ 15.00 Credit report
$ 36.25 Criminal Background check

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What Happens After A Student Registers For Class

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After registering for class the student will receive a welcome letter. It will contain pertinent information covering directions, how to get your NMLS ID number , what to bring to class. You can also request your printed manual be sent to you by FEDEX for $17.50 Everyone receives their printed manual and other materials on the first day of class.

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Arriving The First Day Of Training

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After registration you’ll receive your welcome letter by email with directions and a google map to assist you. Students are expected to be at the school’s location and in our classroom by 8:15 AM on Friday the first day of class.

Upon entering the Board of Realtor front entrance, you’ll see a large prompter screen showing you the location of the classroom.

Coming late for class is frowned upon and can result in the student being moved to the next month’s training date. Please allow for traffic on Friday and typically you shouldn’t have any difficulties with traffic on Saturday and Sunday.

Upon arriving you’ll present your proof of identity (drivers License or Passport) and then receive your school materials, homework, practice tests, and course handouts.

On Sunday afternoon you’ll take your school test. The NMLS requires that you pass the school test to receive your Certificate of Completion.

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For Best Corporate Hotel Rates

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Put in Dunwoody or Sandy Springs as your location or near zip code 30328

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Capstone’s training is the only school approved
for mortgage training under the GI Bill

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Capstone Institute is the only provider approved under the GI bill covering mortgage education.

Upon completing the training Capstone will furnish the Veteran with a Certificate of Completion and VA forms 22-1999c and 22-8794. Veterans are encouraged to call us for information under the GI Bill.

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Are you a licensed GA Realtor and need 20 hours of CE?

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The GREC has approved Capstone and this training for 20 hours of continuing education credit.

There’s a $50.00 fee to transfer your CE hours into the GREC database.

To receive your GREC 20 hr credit you’ll need to turn in a duplicate of homework assignments, We will give you duplicate papers of your homework to complete and turn in on Sunday afternoon.

Visit the GA Real Estate & Insurance Commission and check your CE standings. This training is approved by the GREC and can be used to credit bank 20 of CE to your account There’s a $50.00 fee to transfer 20 hours to your GREC account.

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